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TODD WHITE'S unhealthy ecumenism and missing gospel message p.2

White presents himself like someone who does God’s will everywhere he goes and that an enormous amount of people are healed, that God speaks to him all the time. Like when he went to Vatican went underneath and gets a word on a guard’s foot. https://youtu.be/aAHooXsgp3s?t=13   (as if standing on your feet all day does not affect you)

Yet God never tells him when things are wrong, like his word faith teaching or wanting unity with the  false religious system of Roman Catholicism.

Todd White is an open ecumenist who cannot see the differences in the gospel message of the Bible and Roman Catholicism. He desires the “Catholic Church and the Christian Church to come together.”

And he says “its about bringing the unity of the Catholic and the Christian together  so we would stop being at odds and start being in unity.” (the rest of this video is speaking of the bigger sin of not being in unity, that it’s not about whose right or wrong)

Not surprising that he says “the cross isn’t just the revelation of my sin, It’s the revealing of my value. Something underneath of that sin must have been of great value for heaven to go bankrupt to get me back.”

There is no underneath; there is a sin nature in all of us, that’s it. And heaven did not go bankrupt, which is a clear misrepresentation of the Son of God giving his life to pay for our sin. Is our problem that we don't understand our value, our inherent worth? Did Jesus paid the ultimate price for our value or for our sin? Exactly what is the value in a sin nature? Luke 7:47-48 “But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.”

He also explains “The cross to me isn’t the revelation of my sin, the cross is actually the revealing of my value. Sin is horrible, it covers this, we were covered by sin but Jesus paid a price, that he who knew no sin became sin so that I might become something… he became sin so that I might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Then the cross is a revelation of my value.”

 Where does it say that in Scripture? He is twisting it do say something other than it means. Which does imply that he does not understand what the sin nature is in man.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Todd does not have an admission of unworthiness, but instead affirms his worthiness, because of what he thinks is within himself (ourselves).  Go look up the word “worthy” in the Scriptures to see how many times and the way it is used. Consider the humility of John the Baptizer who said “behold, there comes One after me, the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to loose.” (Acts 13:25)

As friends with Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Bill Johnson and so many others what can we expect except their same teaching carried over by a new friendly face. Can anyone point to a video where he preaches the gospel fully and clearly? Consider what he says here,

“How do I describe the gospel to a non Christian… for me a lot of times I start with my testimony because I was lost and now I’m found, I was blind now I see.” So he says that he describes his blindness and lostness, stating, “they cannot dispute your testimony. “Testimony means do it again … So when you describe that it actually impregnates the atmosphere so the same thing can happen again. So there’s never a formula.”

Your testimony is NOT the gospel; White mixes it with a mystical view that is from word faith teachers. What of a Mormon conversion or a Muslim who have a testimony. Testimony of how Jesus changed your life may encourage one to look and pursue further but that is not the gospel he told us to share

 Testimony does not mean do it again, it means to give personal evidence of something that took place that you saw or happened to you.

When you playing to an audience that does not exercise any logic or critical thinking you can get away with it.

Todd White adheres to a Gnostic teaching of Jesus, exactly like all the other word faith Branham followers have.

He didn’t live as God on the earth, Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan when he went down in that river He came back up, it says the heavens were open, for him legally … he obeyed the law and if righteousness is given to you I will open the heavens and cause it to rain. So that day the heaven’s were open only for Jesus and whom Jesus appointed.”

“The Holy Spirit was the agency of God that rested upon Jesus’ life and when he was 30 years old and that Holy Spirit came upon him he went out into the wilderness for 40 days and came back out and went about doing mighty works.”

 This man does not know the biblical Jesus! Using certain words from the Bible he portrays Jesus as an anointed man only, not the incarnate God who became man. Insinuating that righteousness was given to Jesus. That is all one needs to know about Todd White.  A denial of the incarnation is one of the most important Christian doctrine (next to Christ being God), without this confession one is not a Christian. 1 Tim 3:16 “Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit.

But he continues telling us “the reality of this thing is that Jesus Christ, he pays the price for us to be made right with God, Jesus went to hell, I believe he went to Hades. Went down and descended to the depths of the earth and pays for the sin of mankind. but on the third day he got the keys to hell death and the grave. Got those keys came up out of there, resurrected.

Jesus is born of the virgin Mary, he is born as a man he is not born as God, he’s God’s son but he had, he was fully God and fully man, I’m not taking, I’m not taking divinity away from Jesus.” He speaks of people being attacked, like himself. “They think I’m taking divinity away from Jesus but I’m not I’m just bringing the gospel. Jesus did what he did  and he was called the son of man when he was on this earth, Son of god. He then refers to Jn.5:19 the son of man can do nothing of himself. …What the father does the Son does in like manner. Because the holy Spirit was on Jesus’ life. Until the Jordan river there was not miracle. He then speaks of the baptism in the Jordan river “that at 30 years old Jesus would receive everything that his father had. (God’s man) When Jesus was baptized “and came back up God came upon Jesus through the agency of what? the Holy Spirit… so when Jesus healed the sick it was God through Jesus through the agency of the holy Spirit healing the sick. You have to get this!”

He’s fully God and fully man but he had to lay divinity aside to do what God sent him here to do.

“I will send another, just like me. But the presence of Jesus in us through the agency of the Holy Spirit is better than the presence of Jesus that walked with them, Jesus said it himself”

(he did – where  is that in the Bible?) This is William Branham’s doctrine. Sorry, if he laid aside his divinity than he is not God but only man. Then who was sent? He has destroyed the doctrine of the incarnation (1Tim .3:16 God was manifested in the flesh not man). What He laid aside was the independent use of his abilities as God being obedient to the Father.

“Jesus walked in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. well my question is this, how much sin does the blood of Jesus cover, some or all, they respond- all. We might not believe what the blood of Jesus has done but the blood of Jesus did what the father said it could do.” (Apr.2, 2019 https://youtu.be/TTC8jXO5XBQ?t=19ay

 This is partially true because we are to walk in the TRUTH to be cleansed.

1 John 1:6-10 “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.”

When Todd White says “The cross to me isn’t the revelation of my sin” this is a serious statement of error showing he does not understand how sin has affected us. Over and over the Scripture makes the point that Jesus died for our sin. That we still sin.

He says the devil has no place in our lives… then why is there so much false doctrine residing in his, these teachings are not Biblically correct, they are not from God.

 And what is our value?

He made the claim of being a the “New Breed” Christian, that we can all be as Jesus, righteous which can be translated as sinless. He wants to teach everyone how to be as pure and righteous as he has become.

Back in 2008 when Patricia King came to a glory school and I met her for the first time and didn’t know her. I went through the glory school and it was very biblical, just amazing. Just precept upon precept, line upon line. I had no idea what it was. It was awesome. And uh, she called me out and prophesied over me. And when she did she prophesied these two words: New Breed. And it went right to my heart. Just knocked me down actually. I was under the weight of that word in my heart. Just on the ground for while.”

What God has been stirring in me is that he is raising up a generation that will be the new breed, a new breed of Christianity, a new breed, one that would walk in the love of God that is so consumed by a passionate love for him, a passionate love that is from him, for him and back to him. When sonship is established, what we know is our dad. He’s our dad. I’m a son. He’s my dad. And nothing get’s in between here where there’s a life of no compromise that’s established. Because compromise separates relationship… when sonship is established, there’s no compromise.”

But there is such a place to be in God where sonship is established, where righteousness is the core of everything you are. Where He’s the centre of everything you are. Where God is the focus of every day in everything. When we come to the realisation that we can do absolutely nothing without Him… […] I can’t go anywhere without Him because He’s my dad and He loves me profusely.”

“So there is such a place to grow, and look, miracles are becoming more prevalent, the healings are more prevalent, they are profuse. God will flow through anybody because He loves people. And a lot of people come to a place without sonship where they do a miracle but don’t realize they are a son, and they do a healing and don’t realise they are a son.

[…] And when that happens they start to gain their identity through what they do instead of what they are. But when sonship is established, you are doing the miracle because of who you are. You are healing somebody through the power of God through you because Holy Spirit flows through you just like He did through Jesus because of God’s love for them.

So God will flow through you no matter if your garden is clean or not, but you are a steward of your own heart. So we can cry out from more of an intimacy with God, for us to pursue Him with a more intense desire, to where we want his things in everything we do…”(link https://churchwatchcentral.com/2017/12/12/the-new-breed-among-us-part-3-todd-white/)

Thanks you Todd for repeating the Latter Rain words of Bob Jones, Mike Bickle, Rick Joyner and Todd Bentley on the new breed.

If you think he cares about being corrected with all the money coming in, … it’s obvious that you would be wrong. He is getting rich with his speaking this stuff career. How rich? In 2015 he paid himself a salary of $625,000! And he lives in this mansion: 

So it is very profitable and makes one well known to bring a camera everywhere they go and embellish the stories for public consumption to those who want to be tolerant and cannot recognize false teaching.

 Wasn’t there something said about this in the Bible, of course there is.

Matt 6:5-6 "And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward.”





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