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The confused last days prophet

The Bible is clear that Eve was deceived and Adam sinned willfully, but they both sinned, being disobedient. Both had the same effect and judgment on them. They became ashamed, they knew their nakedness and were removed from the Garden they  lived in.

At times Branham would agree with the Bible. “Adam sinned willfully. See? See, Eve was actually deceived.” (55-0227A, The Position Of A Believer In Christ, Shriner Temple, Phoenix, AZ)    

Over all Branham did not agree with the bible and taught the opposite. Eve did not sin. Adam sinned. That's right. Not Eve, Adam sinned. See? Not Eve, she was the one who did the act, but Adam done the sinning. The woman was deceived. The Bible said she was deceived" ...“Now, remember, Eve did not sin. Adam sinned. That's right. Not Eve, Adam sinned.” (56-1209A, God Making His Promise, Brooklyn Academy Of Music, Brooklyn, NY)

Branham made a large point of Eve not sinning but instead was only deceived. But he could not hold the line and said just as many times that Eve did sin.

Then after they had sinned ... Notice, when they'd sinned and realized they'd done wrong, and Eve ... Adam never sinned ,... Eve sinned.” (56-0212, Fellowship, Calvary Temple Soul's Harbor, Minneapolis, MN).

 “As soon as Adam sinned, and Eve sinned.” (56-0120, Fellowship With God Through Reconciliation, Sturgis High School, Sturgis, MI). Actually it is Eve who was first.

When Eve sinned and they went out of the garden of Eden.” (56-0122, The Junction Time, Sturgis High School, Sturgis, MI)

Like anything else Branham said, there are at least two views or more on the same matter. Eve did not sin and then she did sin. But then he would say Adam never sinned. That is what is called confusion, instability in what one believes.

He said  “as soon as Adam sinned, and Eve sinned, the fellowship line was cut off.” (56-0120, Fellowship With God Through Reconciliation, Sturgis High School, Sturgis, MI).

which is basically accurate but it doesn’t take more than a few weeks or months from Mr. Branham to say something different.

Now, remember, Eve did not sin. Adam sinned. That's right. Not Eve, Adam sinned. See? Not Eve, she was the one who did the act, but Adam done the sinning. The woman was deceived … She thought she was right. But Adam knowed it was wrong. See? And now, look, when Adam saw Eve had sinned and had done wrong, Adam walked right out not deceived but with both eyes open.” (56-1209A, God Making His Promise, Brooklyn Academy Of Music, Brooklyn, NY).

Did he or didn’t he? Prior to this year of 1956 he said  “Adam sinned.” (53-1112, Demonology)

“back yonder in the garden of Eden, Adam sinned. (54-0811, Show Us The Father, Shriner Temple, Los Angeles, CA)

When Adam sinned.” (53-0512, Speak To The Rock)

Adam sinned” (54-0811, Show Us The Father, Shriner Temple, Los Angeles, CA; 54-1203, The Law Having A Shadow, Faith Tabernacle, Binghamton, NY; 55-0227A, The Position Of A Believer In Christ, Shriner Temple, Phoenix, AZ; 56-0120, Fellowship With God Through Reconciliation, Sturgis High School, Sturgis, MI; 63-0317E, The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals, Branham Tabernacle)

Again Branham changed his mind on what he said before.

“... Adam never sinned, the Bible said, that he was not... He... Eve sinned, and Adam loved Eve so well, till he took his place with her to leave the garden. Adam was not deceived. Eve was deceived. Adam wasn't. And Adam was a type of Christ in every figure. And Christ was not deceived and neither was He a sinner, but He come down and so loved His Church.” (56-0212, Fellowship, Calvary Temple Soul's Harbor, Minneapolis, MN)

Branham  years later  said, “Adam and Eve sinned against the true Word.” (64-0816, Proving His Word, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN)

Adam partook of the same sin as Eve, he ate the fruit of the tree  she gave him. The same affect happened to both of them, they both were judged. If Adam didn’t sin how can sin be passed on? All born after Adam and Eve are transmitted through natural generation with the nature of sin. Proof of this is that we all die, which is the wages of sin.

Rom 5:12 “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned.



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