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p.2 Explaining the inexplicable

What is the significance of this most recent attack on Israel? On Oct.7, 2023 we saw Spontaneous missiles launched by the hundreds (at least 5,000) at a time to do maximum damage. Murderous thugs flew on hangliders to an international music festival where tourists from other countries were gathering within eyesight of the Gaza border and without any discrimination they all killed everyone they could, shooting them in the back. The youth who were at the music festival of peace were the first casualties. Other murderers on the ground broke through the border on motorized vehicles.

They kidnapped the youngest and the oldest who are defenseless knowing they cannot fight the soldiers, this is their Character. In fact when necessary they even use their own people for protection as they gather back in Gaza from their military assault on soft targets. And they threaten to broadcast the executions of the hostages they took if anyone fights back. Again, that is their character.

They went door to door with their death squads, showing the world how inhumane and demonic they are. They yell ‘God is great ‘during their killing spree! The bible teaches their god whom they portray is the god of this world, Satan who comes to kill, steal and destroy. If someone is to be called a great Satan, it is them!

Yet they made the devil in their evil actions. What would you do if faced with the Devil, demonized men destroying your family and friends like this. Would you hold out your hand to shake his, would you make concessions? Of course not, and neither should Israel.

The problem is that people do not see these kinds of attacks on helpless people (not just Jewish people) as evil, they make excuses for those who pursue evil.

Like demonic children jumping for glee over their kill, enjoying the viciousness of inflicting death, they leered over their dead bodies continuing to fill them with bullets. What kind of people are these? These are those who have no humanity, soul or conscience and are filled with hatred and anger. They committed a Demonic massacre.

As for those who claim this is prophecy. Let's first see how this develops before we say this is that which is found in Scripture. There is no specific Biblical reference for this except wars and rumors of war, kingdom (darkness) against kingdom (Light). Clearly a battle of good versus evil is occurring.

This intentional murder is no different than in what we read of in Matt. 2:7-8 When Herod, called the wise men, asking them to “diligently for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also." Instead, they did not return, and he understood he was deceived by the wise men, was exceedingly angry; and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the wise men. When Herod killed all the children (there was weeping in Ramah Mt.2:18) he hoped the Messiah would be among them. This is the same hatred and jealousy toward the same people who gave the world the Messiah, who is called the prince of Peace.

The Muslim/Marxist propaganda says what you see, the decapitation of babies and burned bodies is all fake. These are the Neville Chamberlains who purposely deny and deflect to prevent Israel from doing any counterattacks on their enemies, as they purposely went after the defenseless, avoiding those who could defend themselves, proving they are cowards. Terrorist gangs roamed the streets like Antifa in America to inflict harm and death on everyone.

Look how they speak, LISTEN carefully! They use fear, threats, lies, and are killing. Their supporters tell people what you see is fake, that they did not do this. Why do so many private videos show they did do this? They purposely deny and deflect any arguments on this and instead blame Israel, just like what the Devil would do.

On October 7, 1973 Israel’s border was unmanned and unprotected, and it was breached, 80,000 Egyptians attack. Nine other Arab states joined in their attacks. 1,400 Syrian tanks came by the Golan with only one Israeli tank in service to oppose them, why? Because most of Israel's armed forces were celebrating the Holy days. Israel was completely outnumbered yet the Arab invaders lost to Israel’s small army. But 50years later on ‘Simcah Torah,’ why was Israel not prepared? They know Islam likes to use dates, especially those they lost in battle, they should have expected this and been on alert on the 50 th anniversary. What went wrong?

Let me give an example of why we were attacked on 911. The Great Siege of Malta September 11th, 1565; the Battle of Vienna on September 11-12, 1683.The Muslim Expulsion from Spain Announced on September 11th, 1609;The Battle of Zenta on September 11th, 1697. What Islam does is recover dates they had losses to make them victorious.

This wild hatred of barbaric nature is scary, this is far more vicious than the Nazis who were methodical murderers. Hamas and the others think brute force, using abandoned violence, and killing is the answer, they have a bloodlust like a vampire. There is no discussion, all they understand is brute force. Israel speaks words to bring peace, they speak blood by their words and actions.

Considering how this is developing and this too needs to be mentioned. Ukraine has a long record of antisemitism and pogroms , just like The Soviet Union (Now Russia). On the eve of World War II, Ukraine was home to one the largest Jewish communities in Europe , estimated to be 2.7 million . More than half perished. When German troops took control of Kyiv in 1941. They were welcomed by “Heil Hitler” banners . Soon after, nearly 34,000 Jews — along with numerous other “undesirables” were rounded up and marched to fields outside the city on the pretext of resettlement only to be massacred in what became known as the “Holocaust by bullets.” This is similar to what Hamas did except it took place within Israel’s borders.

Guess who the undesirables are today? Islam has a saying ‘First the Saturday people then the Sunday people.’ Which means America, than the world religious or not! 

video: place  link in window  https://twitter.com/CSWLatAm/status/1711144083467477112?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1711144083467477112%7Ctwgr%5E246c1ab733d55493007f59f6eb91dc1fea7dc15b%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wnd.com%2F2023%2F10%2Freal-plan-hamas-kill-every-jew-every-christian-earth%2F

What failed

Is it a failure of intelligence? some ask how is this possible? Israel’s intelligence has the reputation of the world’s most sophisticated. Some claim they ignored the signs in Gaza, others say they may have to look elsewhere as we (and they) have been infiltrated by Marxists and Palestinian sympathizers in our government[s]. Certainly those on the left do not want to see Israel safe. We know the Democratic administration is unfriendly to Israel in spite of what they say publicly. Furthermore, Incompetent leaders put us all in danger.

Regardless, "He that keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. The LORD is thy keeper." (Psalm 121:4) The true God sees all.

Israel was experiencing unrest among the people which probably did not helped being prepared. Israel as a country is constantly under attack. You would think all the citizens would be armed (at least in their homes.  With neighbors like these you can never put your guard down, but they did? The how and why will eventually be discovered. As Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the chief military spokesman said, “First, we fight, then we investigate.”

But the attack of 1,000 plus Hamas murderers was done strictly by low tech and clearly they had information and weaponry they should not have been in possession of.

Nothing has turned out to be good as Islam’s corrupt terrorist dictators took control of Gaza territory and made it a squalor for their own people. This could be remedied with all the aid coming in. The Palestinians could turn this around if their own leadership would allow them to do so. Gaza's unemployment rates is above 40%, with 65% of the population living under the poverty line (according to U.N. figures), with nearly as many in Gaza not having the food to support them (according to the World Food Program).

The ‘Palestinians’ built 300 miles of underground tunnels to smuggle food; no. Weapons! Their tunnels. Israel was given a desert at first and now they grow their own food. The problem is not Israel but the way the Palestinians conduct themselves. Their leaders want continual war at the expense of their own people. Read: clean water for weapons.

Instead the incite anger and hatred for their neighbor who shares electricity, water and food for them. Do you know that over 20% of Israel's parliament is Arab? Do you know there are areas in Israel where warning signs are posted for Israeli’s who are not allowed to be in or they can be killed. Yet Israel has allowed up to 18,000 Palestinian laborers from Gaza to work in Israel, where they can earn a salary about 10 times higher than Gaza.

Over 2 million Palestinians live within roughly 140 square miles, densely overpopulated. Half the population is under 19 making them easily influenced to be a terrorist. Israel has maintained a land, air and sea blockade on Gaza since 2007 because of the weapons being shipped in.

Israel always responds to being attacked by the Palestinians after they have been provoked, unless it is to prevent an attack. Israel is not going to the Palestinian area and doing suicide bombing. Nor do they attack anybody in the world like this, but Muslims Do!

The Palestinians use their oppression on their own people and then blame Israel for it all. Just as the Nazis blamed Israel for all their woes. They never take responsibility for themselves. If anyone needs to be free it Israel.

The Gaza strip is on the border of Egypt to the SW. There is more than enough open land in the Arab countries, even next door in Egypt for them to live. But no Arab state will accept the Palestinians of Gaza, why? Because they know what their character is like.

Pro-Hamas rallies are held in major cities across the U.S. every time this happens. This time the reaction is larger. The children of darkness side with the terrorists unwilling to hear any explanation of why any of this began or continues to occur. You have to be someone without a conscience to cheer for this, or support it in any manner.

Black Lives Matter Organization Shows Support for Hamas Amid Terror Attack on Israel. And why not? As Marxists they have the same destructive spirit and death wish for America and Israel.

Students in America at numerous Universities take the Palestinian side, why? They are fully misinformed! 1.They don’t know the Bible, (nor do they care what it says). 2. They are being lied to by the media and the institutions of learning on what is actually taking place. Facts are facts and cannot be manipulated by one's opinion except by lying. Part of this war is fought in the public arena by the media, using certain clips and denying what people hear by not showing the clips. Pro Palestinian’s cheer like they did on 911, and their supporters are everywhere on the net, division deepens as even Hollywood cannot side with one or the other.

Support for the anti-human atrocities of Hamas and Muslim terrorists

Pro-Hamas rallies are held in major cities across the U.S. every time this happens. The children of darkness side with the terrorists unwilling to hear any explanation of why any of this began or continues to occur. You have to be without a conscience to cheer for this, or support it in any manner.

Black Lives Matter Organization Shows Support for Hamas Amid Terror Attack on Israel. And why not? As Marxists they have the same destructive spirit and death wish for America and Israel.

Students in America at numerous Universities take the Palestinian side, why? They are fully misinformed! 1.They don’t know the Bible, (nor do they care what it says). 2. They are being lied to by the media and the institutions of learning on what is actually taking place. Facts are facts and cannot be manipulated by one's opinion except by lying. Part of this war is fought in the public arena by the media, using certain clips and denying what people hear by not showing the clips. Pro Palestinian’s cheer like they did on 911, and their supporters are everywhere on the net, division deepens as even Hollywood cannot side with one or the other.;

Government leaders, Universities and students that support murder

These are just a few Universities. University of Wisconsin Students; California State University Long Beach. Students for Justice in Palestine at Arizona State University. Protest at University of Washington . Tufts university students in Boston Mass. Palestinian Solidarity Committee on the Indiana campus.

Over 30 student groups at Harvard signed a statement blaming Israel for the violence. Then [More than 100 Harvard professors published an open letter condemning the 30+ student groups that signed a joint statement expressing support for Palestinian terrorists and blaming Jews for Hamas’ attack against them.]

The UNC Students for Justice in Palestine group at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Also 12 North Carolina Democrats Walk Out as NC House Votes for Resolution Urging Congress to Support Israel

Pro-Palestinian Protests Break Out in Multiple U. S. Cities

Protests over war in Israel erupt in cities across America

America is far more divided than we thought. Even France bans Pro Palestinian protests. While France resists the spirit of the age Tens of thousands gathered for the Palestine rally in London, a week after the Hamas massacre in Israel.

A Minnesota woman and her husband who had vocally advocated for Palestinian rights protesting against Israeli military actions were killed in a Hamas attack.

What is really taking place!

Hamas and the Islamic Jihad are the main influence on the Palestinian government. They command Palestinians in Gaza to stay put and not leave despite the warning from Israel to leave before they come into Gaza to rid the murderous vermin. They gave no warning to Israel when they killed all the defenseless youth and old, even babies, but Israel does not want to kill those who are not terrorists.

I saw on the news two women complaining, that if they stay in their homes they will be killed, and if they try to leave they will be killed! By whom? Their own people will kill them. Their own terrorists use Palestinian lives to further their cause to make them victims. No doubt if they find them leaving they will kill them because that’s who they are. They use their own people’s lives to further their cause of propaganda against Israel.

Whatever violence Israel will do, it is in retaliation to the savagery inflicted upon her by the Muslim/Palestinians. They must retaliate for what happened or it will happen again, repeatedly.

Has Israel has done things wrong, yes, (what nation hasn’t) but the wrong they have done is 1% compared to the 99% of intentional threats and murdering carried by the utter hatred and disregard for all life by their Muslim Neighbors. Many from other countries were killed by their latest assault, not just Jews.

The Real problem

There is no such thing as a Palestinian since it was a new term applied. One cannot trace their origin to a people named this. The word Palestine is derived from the Greek word, Philistia. Since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in World War I to 1918, Palestine was referred to a geographic region located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Arab people who call this territory home have been called Palestinians from the early 20th century, not before. Can their Palestinian lineage find their roots in Canaan? They are Arabs who act like the ancient Canaanites that God called vile.

According to Palestinian historian Muhammad Y. Muslih, during the entire 400 year period of Ottoman rule (1517-1918), “There was no political unit known as Palestine.” In Arabic, the area was known as al-Ard al-Muqadassa (the holy land), or Surya al-Janubiyya (southern Syria), but not Palestine. In fact Palestine nor Jerusalem are mentioned in the Quran. Only in the bible do we find Jerusalem and it is connected to the Jews.

The city of Jerusalem is claimed as a capital by both Jews and Palestinian Arabs, it was intended to be an international territory with a special status. But Muslims would not have this.  Muslim anti-Israel movements reject the “two-states for two peoples” solution, which would lead to the creation of a Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state of Israel as part of a mutually negotiated final status peace agreement. A two state solution is not debatable, for only one state is acceptable, the other is to be annihilated, that solves everything. That is their Palestinian solution.

The Temple Mount is controlled by the Muslims, Jews are forbidden to enter and only Muslims may pray there. Islamic leaders try to convince the world that the Hebrew’s, ancient Jews have nothing to do with the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, they insist that Israel has no legitimate claim to the land. But historically and by archaeology it confirms Israel’s rights to the land and the temple. There is still a western wall, physical proof that Israel lived there, besides all the pottery and documents found.

3 John 12 “he who does evil has not seen God.” What the world has seen is evil, there is no debating it. Evil, using God as their source.

GOD says, "When you touch Israel, you touch the Apple of GOD's eye." (Zechariah 2:8) They have just poked God in his eye, lets see what happens according to the covenant in Gen.12.

This can all develop into something much worse if it is not dealt with in a permanent way. If there is any war exchange that would lead to a global war, this would be it. On the table is civilization at stake. Iran has issued warnings, these are continually becoming more serious.  The rules of war do not apply to the  evil we have just witnessed. The world needs to choose to be on the right side against evil, or, they will soon be face to face with it.


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